Embracing Technology in the Arts

In the latest episode of Arts Redefined, I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Brett Ashley Crawford, an expert at the intersection of arts management and technology. As the Executive Director of the Arts Management and Technology Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University, Brett has deeply explored how technology can be a game changer for arts organizations. Our conversation delved into how arts organizations can leverage technology to enhance their impact, streamline operations, and build deeper connections with audiences.

The Role of Technology in the Arts

Technology offers transformative potential for arts organizations but is more than just adopting the latest tools. It involves a strategic mindset and a willingness to adapt and learn. Brett emphasized that many arts organizations struggle with internal communication and project management. Investing time in building a cohesive tech stack— a set of software tools aligned with the organization's goals—can significantly improve efficiency. However, implementing new technology requires buy-in from the entire team and a focus on training and onboarding.

Key Takeaways from the Conversation

- Mindset and Strategy: Adopting technology is not just about the tools but about a shift in mindset. Organizations need to develop a strategy that includes effective internal communication and training to ensure successful tech adoption.

- Peer-to-Peer Training: Brett highlighted the value of peer-to-peer training in fostering an organization's learning culture. Engaging staff in ongoing education through resources like YouTube can ease the process of integrating new technologies.

Proving Value: For successful implementation, it's essential to demonstrate the value of new technologies to staff and stakeholders. This helps gain buy-in and ensures the technology is used effectively to enhance operations and audience engagement.

The Evolving Definition of the Arts

Our discussion also touched on how the arts are evolving in society. The traditional view of the arts as purely aesthetic experiences is shifting towards a broader understanding of their impact on quality of life and community. The arts must demonstrate their relevance and adaptability to remain a vital part of society. Brett believes that by leveraging technology, arts organizations can enhance their public value and communicate their impact more effectively.

Building a Tech Stack for Success

One size doesn't fit all when it comes to technology in the arts. Whether it's a CRM system or a project management tool, the chosen tech stack should reflect the organization's size, budget, and goals. Brett offered practical advice for organizations of all sizes to build a tech stack that aligns with their mission and operations. It's about finding the right tools to support your work, streamline processes, and ultimately, create a more engaging experience for your audience.

Final Thoughts

Dr. Brett Ashley Crawford's insights underscore the importance of embracing technology strategically in the arts sector. It's not just about adopting new tools but about integrating them in ways that align with your organization's mission and enhance its impact. As we navigate the digital age, it's crucial for arts organizations to adapt and use technology to stay relevant, connect with audiences, and demonstrate their value in society.

For more in-depth insights, listen to the full episode of Arts Redefined featuring Dr. Brett Ashley Crawford. Her book, "Raising the Curtain: Technology Success Stories from Performing Arts Leaders and Artists," is a valuable resource for anyone looking to understand and leverage technology in the arts.


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