What’s your Return on Art (ROA)?

 Revolutionizing How We Measure Arts Impact and Public Value

As a non-profit arts organization, you face challenges due to limited budgets and continual funding difficulties. While the number of organizations seeking funding is increasing, the available funding has either stayed the same or decreased. This means that you need new tools to measure and communicate the public value of your work.

The Collaborative Arts Impact Initiative (CAII) is a pioneering pilot project to provide non-profit arts organizations with newly developed Customer Impact Management (CIM) software. Drawing from over two decades of experience in industrial and organizational psychology and creating measurement cultures, this initiative aims to tackle the long-standing challenge of demonstrating the social, emotional, and public value of the arts and their impact on well-being.

This initiative will introduce a new language for communicating the Return on Arts (ROA) to philanthropists, funders, and stakeholders. It will use real-time data and evidence-based advocacy to highlight arts programs' social and economic value.

Our focus? Turn impact into investment.

CAII’s mission is to empower arts organizations with the tools to increase resources and revenue by demonstrating the impact and public value of the arts through data-driven outcomes. Elevating the arts through measurable impact is not just part of our mission—it defines who we are.

We call this movement the Renaissance of Relevance.
— Angela Meleca, CEO Meleca Creative Advisors